Wednesday, 4 January 2012

*out with the old, in with the new* part 2

Thinking about it being 2012, entering a new season and the phrase 'out with the old, in with the new', I felt to write a part 2.

Sometimes we find it hard to walk in our new abundant, extraordinary life because we find it hard or are afraid to let go of the life we currently walk in. I feel to share some things I felt God was sharing with me the other day:

(8) No guilt in life, no fear in death (8)

We are not afraid to die physically when we know Christ. Not only that but we are not afraid to die metaphorically - knowing that before we live, we die, knowing the life He has called us to.

In Luke 9:23-27 Jesus says we need to take up our cross and follow Him. Deny ourselves and follow Him. When we desire our life, desire the world, we lose our soul-lose who we are. The Bible says blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, therefore our desire can not be for our own lives, it can not be for this world- the cares of this world (Matthew 13).

There is a fear of death - not just us dying, but things dying in our life, us going through suffering. But once we acknowledge that there is life in death and that death has lost its sting (1 Corinthians 15:55) and that even death could not hold Christ captive-we will understand that when we are required to die to ourselves in some way shape or form, we are doing a number of things.

We are experiencing freedom and life. Freedom from that fear of death. We are telling death that it no longer has control over us. We die daily, because there is an ongoing power in Christ's resurrection (Philippians 3:10). Paul says in Philippians 3 that what he thought gain, he now counts as loss compared to knowing Christ. When we die with Christ, we are alive with Him and when die to sin we are alive in Him (Romans 6). We die to ourselves, we die daily, in not allowing sin to reign over us.

We die to ourselves because we don't live for ourselves, but we live for Christ. If God delivered Christ from death-raised Christ from the dead, we also trust that He will raise us. When we die daily, we trust that He raises us daily! (2 Corinthians 4:14). It is not I who lives, but Christ who lives in me- forgiveness who lives in me, love who lives in me, peace who lives in me, joy who lives in me! For these characteristics to live in me, I must die daily. And there's no fear in that for we walk by faith and not by sigh (2 Corinthians 5:7). There is no fear in me dying- me having to die to certain things, because I believe Christ will live in me as I do.

Romans 12:1-2 says we are to be living sacrifices, that is our spiritual worship. We walk in newness of life when we die - we awake to who God created us to be.

**Hosea 6:2b 'On the third day He will raise us, that we may live in His sight'**

No fear but faith

*out with the old, in with the new*

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

I have heard this poem so many times, and every time I read it- it feels more liberating than the last time I read it! There is liberty in knowing who you are. Once you get a hold of who you are, there's no stopping you! I remember hearing a sermon where the pastor said 'we are ruined for the ordinary'. I hear so many people say Christianity is boring- church is boring. Who makes it boring? We must do because the Bible says that God has called us to an extraordinary life!! When we walk like Christ we see the lame healed, the blind able to see again, the oppressed freed- all by the power of God! 

2 Corinthians 4:7 reads that we have this treasure in earthen vessels. We need to realise what is in us! The author says we are the children of God! You look at royalty and know they are royalty- Princess Diana did not play down her authority but walked confidently in it and used it to empower and encourage others.

Where there are no obstacles, no situations, no mountains, often the only stopping you is you, not realising who you are. Now that some layers have been peeled back into who you are, we can explore how we live that out. I have sometimes been a 'hider'-not the outgoing type, more the introvert in certain situations. For example, amongst a group of people if I have been selected to do something, if I think somebody else in the group can do it better, I would rather let them do it. There is a fear in expressing who I am. I like that the author explains that we should not be afraid to express and release the treasure inside of us, for when we do so we encourage others to do so. I am learning that shining my light is necessary. I am discontent if I do not because I'm not living the life I've been called to live. Like a phone trying to be an iron. Some of you are growing discontent because you are realising there is more! You are realising there is an extraordinary life waiting to be lived. Christ died so that we can live an abundant life- it's time that we awaken to it!

Many of us don't realise who we are and walk like we are the victim, not knowing that in so many situations we have overcome. The author explains that we are not to play small. Jesus tells us to shine our light. Paul tells us we are to rule in life. Walking with our head hung down in despair not knowing who we are will not get us anywhere. If there's treasures in you, there's joy in you and there is strength in you. Being of good courage because Christ has overcome the world will awaken us to dreams not yet dreamt, possibilities unfathomable and inexpressible hope. 

For some of us we don't need to see the treasure, the glory of God in ourselves, but we need to see it in others. Encouraging people to be all they can be and let them not feel sorry for being who they are!

Never be afraid of what God has put in you or others. Paul says that he is confident that whatever he commits to God, God will keep. If there is fear in who you are, I encourage you to cast your burdens and commit all your dreams, all that is in you to God, and as He leads you, watch His plans unwind and unwrap itself in front you and you will see who He has called you to be. Never doubt what is in you- somebody might pull up weakness in you- but there is strength in you waiting to be awakened as you are strong in the power of His might! When you are weak, He is strong!

When we realise we are called for something great, often what scares us is that with power comes responsibility- the question is am I capable of rising to such a challenge? The answer is yes! You can do all things through Christ. Don't be like the man who was given talents by his master and was unsure what to do so he buried his talent, while the others invested theirs so their talents grew. Whatever God has planted in you, allow Him to let it multiply in you! Not just gifts in terms of creative arts or business but He has planted love (and He has) let love grow in you as you pour it out to others around you...He has planted joy in you, let inexpressible joy overflow out of you into the people around you. We reflect our Father, who is clothed in glory and when we allow our light to shine - we allow His glory to shine and we invite Heaven here on earth!

Know who you are and know that He has called you for the extraordinary - that which you was born for. Time to live that abundant life :)