Friday, 30 May 2014

Is it even worth it?

Looking out of the window she begins to wonder is it even worth it? Sorrowful raindrops leap onto the cold, clear window mirroring her tears falling quickly onto her cold, damp cheek. Too much worry. Too much pain? Is it even worth it?

Many of use find ourselves looking through the window of pain and see hopelessness. Our emotions are providing temporary shelter to whatever it is outside. But what is outside? Well it would probably be better if we could see. But like a thick, dense fog, hopelessness hangs around our shelter. Blurring our vision. Blocking our sight. And all we hopelessness. Is it even worth it?

John 10:10 'the thief comes only to steal and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.' 

Other translations read that Christ has come so that we may have life more abundantly! Not just life, but life in its abundance! What does that even look like?

We know that through Christ we are part of the kingdom of God. No longer part of the kingdom of darkness, but part of the kingdom of light. Romans 14:17 defines the kingdom of God as righteousness peace and joy. Christ came so that we can experience freedom.

Consider some of the things that rob us of life as John 10:10 points out. The thief comes to steal our hope, kill our dreams and destroy our name a few. One of the hugest weapons he uses is fear. I heard someone preach something interesting on 1 Timothy 1:7. If Timothy is told God has not given  him fear, but other things in its place, fear must be the opposite of these things. Fear robs us of love power and a sound mind. I've experienced fear and it definitely does these things. Fear can cause me to be anxious about loving others and even myself. In thd midst of fear, I hand over power to whatever has imprisoned me and my irrational thinking is far from a sound mind! So how do we experience life ... in abudance?!

1 John 4:18 'There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.' I can't help but go back to Paul and Silas and realise that most of the time we're lifeless is because of fear. If we're hopeless we can be fearful that nothing will change and therefore not experience life. But in the midst of fear, a dark and damp place, Paul and Silas began to praise God. They invited in and received His love, casting out fear! Amazing!

An iconic figure passed away this week and this person lived their life to the full. When people live their lives, it makes me wonder 'what do they have?'

Maya Angelou was quoted saying 'Christ came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. I am grateful for the abundance!'

If she's grateful, that means she received it. God wants to increase our abundance of life. He wants to increase our capacity for life.

Live with hope! Christ, the hope of glory in us! That hope does not disappoint! 
Steven Sutton is another example who took the opportunity to live life to the full.
God wants us to enjoy the life He has given us, ALWAYS rejoicing in Him.
**Romans 5:11**

Freedom to...

Back to Paul and Silas. Do we remember what they did during their captivity? They worshipped God. The Bible is filled with stories where freedom has come about through worship.

Jesus is tired from a long journey and rests by a well. As He is there, a woman comes along to get water from the well. They begin speaking and through this conversation Jesus reveals something about worship. He says that true worshippers worship in spirit and in truth. Not in a certain place. Not at a certain time. God is spirit so we must worship in spirit and in truth. There is freedom in our worship. It can happen anywhere and isn't based on circumstances, but who God is.

Romans 12:1 says in response to God's mercies, I should offer my body as a living sacrifice - this is my spiritual worship. My worship isn't based on circumstances or tied to a building - it's in response to God's mercies and His mercies are new every morning.

When it came time for David to make an offering to the Lord, a man was willing to give David the offering he was going to give to the Lord for free! A good deal?! David's response was, 'I will not offer to God that which costs me nothing'. Worship is costly and it's the best of what we have. I can understand God's frustration when people would bring sacrifices and keep the best lamb for themselves and offered the worst lamb to God!

In worship we are drawing near to God and allowing us to be filled with His love, joy and peace. Most importantly His Spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is ... freedom.

When Paul and Silas began to worship, not only their chains fell off, but the chains of the other prisoners fell off too!

Worship will not only bring freedom to us, but to others too!


Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Freely He gave

Matthew 10:8

Jesus tells the disciples to give freely as they have received.

There are many quotes such as 'to whom much is given much is required'  or 'with great power comes great responsibility'. All these are true.

In a sense, if I have £1, I will give differently if I have £1,000. However the amount I give will be the only difference - how I give depends on how I perceive the amount. If I believe £1 is a lot and I am rich with £1 then I will give a lot - I will give freely. If £1,000 is small to me, I see myself as poor with it, then I will hold onto it tightly. 

Sometimes we forget how much we have. If God has blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessing, we can give freely. How do I see what He has given me? Do I still se myself as poor? Our small can reap an enormous harvest. The man with the one talent held on tightly to what he had because he perceived what he had to be small and underestimated what it could become.

No matter where I am at in life I should love freely and give joy and peace freely. Out of bellies flow rivers of living water. What God pours into us, should flow out of us. We have received much, we can give much. 

Jesus is sitting round the dinner table with his disciples when the unexpected happen. A woman walks in, tears strewn and hair hanging. Her tears fall graciously on Jesus' feet and the woman begins she dry His feet with her hair. Gently, the woman begins to open an alabaster box and begins to pour oil on Jesus' feet. This scene shocks most who are there but Jesus tells the story of two men who owe money to a banker. One owes more than the other and the banker generously clears both debts. Jesus then asks who is the most grateful out of the two. The response is unanimous. Of course it is the man who had the larger debt cleared! Jesus explains that this woman loves much because she has been forgiven much, but the one who is forgiven loves a little. How do we perceive what He has given us, because if we understand we've been (for)given a lot, we will love a lot! GOD WANTS TO INCREASE OUR CAPACITY TO RECEIVE! 

Just with increasing our capacity to believe, God wants us to increase our capacity to receive, and the two are interlinked. I love Malachi 3:1. The Lord in whom you seek is coming! Whenever I was in need of God this scripture was my medicine! I believed He was coming. However when I recovered from the joy I felt digesting this scripture I finally moved to verse 2. 'But who will be able to endure when He comes'. I read that as will we be ready when He comes? I believe He is coming but will I be ready and positioned for His coming. Imagine the 10 virgins-only half had enough oil to make the full journey to meet groom. Everyday we are in need of God, but are we ready? We believe, but are we ready to receive? If I believe it is going to rain, I am going to carry an umbrella outside!

God wants us to be ready to receive all He has for us! And in that we can give a lot :)

Monday, 26 May 2014


I love how Acts 16:16 begins with Paul explaining that there was a time when he and Silas were going to prayer. You can imagine the next verse explaining that they were showered with blessings from God because they were going to prayer! Or during their great prayer service, lives were changed and people were saved! However this isn't the case. They meet a girl and she begins to mock them. This grieves Paul and so he delivers of the spirit that was in her and he continues on his way. Oh! Now here comes the blessing!! Surely they were doing the Lord's will as they delivered the girl from the spirit.

The problem was, was that this girl made money through this spirit and the people who she worked for were now not happy! In this moment there were no blessings for Paul and Silas, but they were soon arrested and put into prison. Not only that they were beaten and whipped! At some point my mind is waiting for the angel to Michael to come, sword held tightly in his hand to free Paul and Silas from such a travesty. Again, this is not the case...

Scripture says Paul and Silas were taken to the 'inner prison'. The 'inner prison' was a place where there was no light. It was damp. It was cold. Placed in stocks they were STUCK!

Life can too often be like this! Stuck! And often we feel as if we are doing God's will happily trudging to a place of prayer, a place of worship or maybe even on our way to help someone and we end up Stuck! Recently I've felt tired of being Stuck! That inner feeling of hopelessness, never going to move from a certain place. I might not necessarily be on my way to anywhere, but inside I am feeling STUCK! Our environment can seem dark! People can seem cold! Words of encouragement can seem damp! And our perspective is STUCK! But in this place God has revealed something. GOD WANTS TO INCREASE OUR CAPACITY TO BELIEVE!

In their place of imprisonment, Paul and Silas aren't seen wallowing and singing woe is me. Instead they begin to worship God! I can imagine them singing (8) My shackles are gone, my spirit free, Oh praise Lord, He's lifted me. My sins are forgiven and now I am free! Oh praise the Lord, my shackles are gone, my spirit is free! (8) Praising God contradicted their situation, but they knew they were free. Though stuck, they were really free! In this place of feeling STUCK! it is vital that we worship God- because as we worship God, we are worshipping Him for who He is and looking beyond our situation and looking to the truth that God can deliver us from every situation.

In Daniel 11:32 it says that those who know their God will carry out great exploits. 2 Timothy 1:12 says I know in Whom I have believed. In our moments of feeling Stuck! Do we know God? Do we believe God? Do we trust that the God who brought crowds of people across seas, who sent His only Son that we may have life, is able to rescue us from our Stuck! situations? 

These Stuck! situations are an opportunity for our faith to grow! God has a lot of things for us, but unless we believe, how can we carry some of these things out? In these situations we learn to trust and depend on God? Take Mary for example. An angel appears to her and tells her that she is going to give birth to the Saviour of the world. Now I don't know about you, but I am not sure I could handle that. Not only carrying the Saviour of the world, but believing God's promise could get me through the stares from people and the possible stoning, for in that culture Mary's pregnancy would be wrong. But Mary had the capacity to believe! Mary replies, 'May it be to me as you have said.' 

God has great things for us to do here, but will we believe?
MARK 9:23