Friday, 25 December 2015

There's Something About Mary

I haven't blogged in a while! And this seems to be becoming a tradition, so maybe I shouldn't even explain myself! But in truth, I feel that the words I read in scripture are so far from who I am- I don't match up to what I read. So reflecting on this and this Christmas season (It's Christmas - WOOOO!) it makes me think about the life of Mary-there must have been something about Mary!

Mary, a young virgin girl, is told that she is going to be birth to a son and He is to be called Jesus! The angel Gabriel tells her she has found favour with God. Favour! I want some of this favour- not so I can be part of an immaculate conception! But because it seems that this is what brought Mary into God's great plan! Favour = approval/an act of kindness beyond what is due.

What caused Mary to receive such approval?! To me, her response to the angel gives a huge clue. "May your word to me, be fulfilled". Now listen...if I'm enjoying my youthful life and everyone knows me to be a virgin and then I am told I am going to give birth....I'm not sure I'm going to agree so quickly. 1) I'm a virgin so society will have me killed when they find out I'm pregnant 2) If I survive death threats and stoning my fiance will not marry me thinking that I've been with another man 3) How will I raise this baby on my own? These are few of many questions! But Mary says let it be so! 

This is so telling of Mary's heart, her character. I don't think Mary necessarily did anything to find favour with God, but the position of her heart allowed God's favour to be with her. She was willing to walk on whichever path He set for her. There was definitely something about Mary and honestly I want there to be something about me. I learn so much from this. 

Months later, Mary would give birth to Jesus, the One who would bring truth and grace. If Christ is in us the hope of glory, we possess that truth and grace-the Word. But will we allow God to work through us to give birth to Christ in our lives? We can get so caught up with what is happening around us, not giving chance to be part of the great things God's wants to do in us.

The truth is, there is something about all of us! Are we willing to position ourselves to see it?