I read some wise words the other day, 'It is pleasant to see dreams come true, but fools refuse to turn from evil to attain them.'
We all have dreams - they may be related to career, family or travel. But we all have dreams, and as this phrase says, it is pleasant to see dreams come true. Imagine how Obama felt 8 years ago on the day of his inauguration. A dream that he had had many years before was unfolding before his eyes. The joy him and his family must have felt. It is pleasant to see dreams come true. Think about hard he would have been working the years prior. The day before the election, he didn't wake up and say 'Tomorrow, I will be the President of the United States.' He would have had the dream many years before and spend time investing in it.
But the second part of these words says, '...but fools refuse to turn from evil to attain them.' Harsh sounding, but some of us are frustrated that we are not seeing some dreams come to pass. But there are things, 'evils', that we have to turn away from in order for us to put things into place to see our dreams happen.
'Evils' may sound like a serious word, but let me put it across to you like this. When we have dreams, like I said, we have to invest in them as they don't just fall into our lap. But often times we can get distracted by the 'evils' around us. Facebook, Snapchat, TV. These things are not evil in and of themselves but if they're distracting us from our dreams then... well... we won't see our dreams come true, and that to me is evil.
We should let nothing stop our dreams from coming true, but we also have to make sure we are investing in them. We need to make space for us to dream but make even bigger space to invest in our dreams. Are you making space for your dreams or are you too distracted to see them come true?