Monday, 23 November 2020

No Spectators Beyond This Point

We can choose to be apart of or apart from.

Imagine preparing to skydive and everyone has gathered in the air field. Some are also readying themselves for the leap whilst others are there just to watch. Those going for the jump are brought past a barrier that reads ‘No spectators beyond this point’. I liken this to life. 

There are some of us who are preparing for the jumps we want to make and are starting businesses, writing music, building families, publishing books and many more! However there are some of us standing on the stand lines who hold these dreams or plans but are not yet preparing for the jump. We have to choose to cross the barrier taking us from spectator to participant.

Often times we are prevented from crossing the barrier by a number obstacles:


False Evidence Appearing Real - how we
perceive a thing is how we will treat it. For a long time I feared that I wouldn’t be able to own my own property. Fear prevented me from taking the leap and even when I did, a lot of the journey was spent being fearful that it would never happen. I’m glad, however, that I stopped being a spectator and took the leap. We need to change our fear into Face Everything and Rise.


We can often think we’re not good enough to pursue certain dreams or that we don’t have what it takes. I had always loved writing and played with the idea of writing a book but never thought I had what it took. I soon found myself challenging that thought and decided that if a book is what I want to write but I feel I lack the ability, how about I go to writing classes? Soon, I found I had more confidence to begin to turn words into sentences and paragraphs into pages.


People, time, money etc could be what you need to pursue your dream so what do you do when these resources are not available to you? Plan, plan and plan. The plans must consist of strategies - actions regarding on how you will solve the problem. Do you need to spend less time bingeing Netflix? Do you need to set aside funds each month? Do you need to start networking? Crossing over the barrier is going to require action. 

 Note that going from spectator to participant doesn’t mean that one day you will be watching from the barriers and the next day jumping from the plane. Deciding to leave the role of spectator is the first step and preparation is the next. This could mean setting aside a certain amount each for the property you want to buy or the adventure you want to go on. It could mean researching how to start your business or completing courses to follow your chosen career. It could mean dating again after a failed relationship. 

Consider what you need to do to no longer be a spectator in your own life. 

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Without a Vision

 What a year it has been! How many of us started the year off with a list of resolutions we were determined to see through? Travelling to 5 different countries...completing a course...going to the gym...

The more 2020 began to unfold, the more many of us had to either adjust or remove items from our calendar. There were memes and videos of people throwing their calendars away come the middle of the year, as it seemed to not make sense anymore to try and stick to the plan.

This year has definitely come with challenges that we didn't see foresee in 2019. We've lost loved ones and businesses, we've had to postpone weddings and family holidays and have had to adapt to a whole new way of living. 

I know I came to a point where I started question the importance of planning when life was becoming more and more unpredictable. Literally, throw caution to the wind and take each day as it comes. Not bad things to do, however, it's important we don't lose sight of our goals and the achievements we are working towards.

After the type of year it has been, it can be so easy to feel as if there is no point - we are in no control of what is going to happen next. However, we have to still hold onto our goals, our vision, what we are hoping to achieve. 

One thing I have learned over the past couple of years (life seems to have been teaching me before the pandemic) is that things won't always go as planned. This doesn't mean that we will stop making goals just that we may have to make some amendments. I can't go to the gym everyday, but I can exercise at home or go for walks. I can't travel abroad, but I can travel to somewhere new in the country. We need to continue to plan and set goals to help us in looking ahead and not stay stagnant. 

We need to ensure that we hold onto and keep in front of us the vision and remind us that despite our inability what is going to happen next, we can still continue to work towards being better versions of ourselves. 

As we approach 2021, I encourage you to make goals allowing you to keep focused on your vision and continue to unlock your potential.