These are my
confessions part 2! I've realised I'm an ungrateful wife. Not necessarily in my
relationship- I have recently made it an aim to make sure that I am
appreciative of everything my husband does(this is where he interjects and says
since when? :p) - but in terms of our house.
We got married 11 months ago, moved out of our parents' home 11 months ago and moved into our own house 11 months ago. I feel like I officially became an adult 11 months ago!! Whilst studying at uni, I had moved out and lived on my own, so I already knew the challenges that came with living in your own home, but now I feel I have much more responsibilities.
So this weekend I found myself dragging my feet in regards to the household chores. The dishes need washing AGAIN. The laundry needs doing AGAIN. We need to cook AGAIN. It had been a long week at work, and we had both been doing a lot of things outside of work too! So when it came to the weekend I didn't want to do ANYTHING! Not even rest for a bit and then go back into things, I mean I didn't want to do ANYTHING! Now I'm not saying that we should not rest (and this is something I need to learn) but I could recognise that my attitude towards these things was very negative, hence the AGAIN opposed to I'll just do it later.
Then I began to reflect on how I felt about things. I can either be miserable about all the things that I have to do or joyful (content if it makes you feel better). I began to think that 12 months ago we had been praying for a place to live and couldn't even think about where furniture and everything else was going to come from. Now we have a bed to sleep in and a roof over our head.
So instead of complaining about all the things I have to do and moaning about it, I am grateful to have a home to keep clean. :) What are you grateful for?