Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Confessions of a sore loser

I am very competitive. Once we were travelling with some friends in separate cars and I encouraged the driver to get back to our destination before the other car because to me it was a race. I am very competitive.

But I am also a sore loser! When I was younger we used to play frustration as a family. I remember not talking to everyone on one occassion because I lost (I was very young). As I've matured this has played itself out differently in my life. At primary school I was a good sprinter and would win at sports day. However when I got to secondary school, the competition increased and so my motivation decreased. I could have been the next Bolt!  

Recently I've been exploring theories on growth mindsets. This is something I have learnt about recently and has really challenged me. Imagine on one side of a scale you have a fixed mindset and on the other side you have a growth mindset. If you have a fixed mindset, you see where you are but don't see potential for growth. On the flip side, if you foster a growth mindset, you see potential for you to well, grow! If you see the potential to grow, you will put in steps to grow. 
Because I've been a sore loser (confession is good for the soul) in certain situations I've had a fixed mindset and given up. But I've been learning that failure provides more opportunities to succeed. Thomas Edison 'failed' thousands of times before he invented the light bulb. There are many steps to success and they may not look how we expect them to, but every step is an opportunity to grow and be better!!

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